First rain display and regulator

[ LSI ]

First rain display and regulator

[ Meteorology ]

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System for the management of rain and washing waters LSI Lastem supplies a range of digital display to display the quantities and convert the signals coming from the supplied sensors. First rain condition is the first 5 mm of water rained in a given period of time. More than 5 mm of rain it it treated as “further rain” condition. DGP020 display, connected to a rain gauge, informs through its relay about the rain condition status. Also, it shows on the display the total rain, the rain intensity and the duration of the rain event.

Highlights - No rain condition: is any period of at least T1 minutes of no precipitation. The beginning of precipitation during the no rain period determines the transition to the status of “first rain”. - First rain condition: rainy condition, following a continuous period of no rain, or interrupted by rain event intervals lower than T2 minutes, until rain volume reaches Qp mm. When reached Qp mm of precipitation the system moves to Further rain condition. If during First rain condition rain stops for a period longer than T2 minutes, the system goes back to the “no rain condition”. - Further rain condition: is the periodo following the first rain condition, during woch there are not rain breaks longer than T1 minutes. Break longer than t1 minutes determines the transition to the “no rain condition”. - T1, T2 e Qp parameters are programmable. Technical file